Tuesday 22 November 2011

Why Capitalism?

No matter what happens the capitalist free market it will continue to prosper and grow. With every turn of the government trying to curtail big money and stifle markets and trade those in "money power" always figure a way to succeed.  The very basis of each of our lives is predicated by unprecedented eras of success, success in capitalism. From the earliest days of the industrial revolution to the Internet revolution and now the green world revolution capitalism will always succeed. You must understand that people and the world have an intrinsic need for growth and prosperity. The very nature of man shuns complacency and looks to improve. Every car we build must go faster, every computer faster, assembly lines faster; you see there is a need for constant improvement. You may say it isn't necessary but things are only improved for one reason, money and power. Money because it is a function of free markets and capitalism and power because the masters of the universe, the brightest minds, have an innate need to be the best
Capitalism creates class strife and inequality.  Capitalists' have one thing in mind; How can I make my product better than all others and who do I need to help me get there.  With that in mind the capitalist is going to seek the brightest mind, most dedicated person, to help shape and develop his idea.  When these ideas come to fruition the capitalist and those chosen to help him will reap the financial benefits.  The very idea of a free trade market creates a "survival of the fittest" if you will.  It is designed to reward those that rise to the top of their prospective fields.  The principals of capitalism and free markets have created the worlds largest market, the U.S., but has also created class strife.  The government tries to mend these gaps but in large is unsuccessful.  Why you may ask, because tomorrow when someone wants to make a breakthrough in their business the will still revert to the principal of who is the best.  Decisions cannot and will not be made that have the possibility of deteriorating the capitalist ability to grow and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. I found this to be Opinionated also. Do you not agree?
